Harness the Power of
the Wind
Our Solution Optimizes for
Easy manufacture
The size of the global offshore wind resource is enormous. We are developing and commercializing a unique technology with potential to unlock more of this resource and hasten global decarbonization by providing a significant share of global energy needs.
By redesigning the wind turbine specifically for ocean use, T-Omega Wind (TOW) can overcome three problems with existing technology: (1) high cost, (2) inability to deploy in the deep water that is typical across the globe, and (3) crippling supply-chain/manufacturing bottlenecks that impede deployment.
The TOW system floats in shallow or deep water, rides on top of the waves rather than resisting them, resists wave-induced motions with a rotor held firmly on both sides, and aligns to the wind by weathervaning. While using a standard horizontal-axis rotor, it eliminates a large percentage of material cost for the support structure and platform. It is suitable for manufacture in modest boatyards across the globe, can be rapidly towed (enabling maintenance at port rather than at sea), and functions in a large range of water depths, doubling the offshore wind resource in the U.S. The inherent deployability of the system opens untapped markets, expanding the worldwide supply of affordable clean energy.
Tank Testing at University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland
The T-Omega Wind solution easily withstanding regular 12 meter waves during tank testing. The system was also subjected successfully to far larger irregular waves in extreme storm conditions.