TechnoPixel; TOW, the new approach to floating wind energy systems, can truly “float”

TechnoPixel features T-Omega Wind’s radically redesigned floating offshore wind solution. The TOW concept, which is the same as the company’s name, is designed to solve the three biggest problems of floating wind turbines: cost, supply and deep water deployment. Existing floating wind turbines are designed to connect their massive steel hulls to the seafloor. In fact, it can be summarized as the use of existing onshore wind turbines at sea scale. This, of course, brings with it a high cost of installation, maintenance and supply. Moreover, the existing turbines cannot be deployed in deep waters. Read the full article


T-Omega Wind Prototype Demonstration Launch in New Bedford, MA


Climate Transformed Webinar: T-Omega Wind: Floating Offshore Wind, The Next Renewable Energy Frontier